Monday, April 28, 2014

Getting back on Track!!

******** Updated -Group is full!!! Thank you for all the interest!!**********************

Friday was a horrible day my friends. Just plain horrible.
I am still emotionally recovering from it, but it was just one of those days where everything is like "Nope Candra, not Today".
I won't go into details but it pretty much ended with me not doing my run and crying in my bedroom while my husband took the kids outside to play.
Do you ever have those days where you swear you must either be pregnant or have something medically wrong with your hormones?
I cried in Wal-mart
I cried LISTEING to Frozen songs.
I cried doing laundry.
I also ate. Everything.

We had a joint birthday party for my kids Saturday and I ate all day including about 10 cupcakes.

Then Sunday Mabel and I ran the Color Me Rad race (more about that tomorrow), went to a birthday party and got home late so we ordered pizza.

Needless to say I am way off track.

I have done so many 30 day challenges, some of which I loved and some of which I hated. I recently forced Alicia from Brew Mama to do a 30 day challenge with me and we both loved it. After we were done with threw around the idea of starting our own 30 day challenges.
We love helping people.
We know that above eating right and working out what works for us is
I need someone to text and be like "Why shouldn't I eat this donut and wash it down with Dr.Pepper".
I also need accountablitiy. I need to know I'm going to have to report back. Otherwise I totally have the whole  "no one will know" mentalitiy.

Long story short, Alicia and I have been working pretty hard for the last month to put together a 30 day challenge. We would love to start running these every month, but first we are going to do a trail run.

We are looking for 6 people who are willing to give it a go with us for the month of May. We are by no means healthy professionals, we only know what works for us and how to be supportive.

We plan on having daily interaction, recipies, workout advice, and one on one hand holding. We want to make sure you that you are getting what YOU SPECIFICALLY need out of this.

Since this is a trail run we are also looking for people who are willing to give us lots of feedback. Tell us what you loved tell us what you hated, what you wanted more of and what you could have done without.

This trial run is 100% free. We don't use products so we won't be pushing them!
The group is on Facebook so the first 6 people to join are in like flynn.
Here is the link!
Ready for May Mamas


  1. I just joined on FB! I had a similar weekend. I look at weight loss like recovering from an addiction. A day at a time. Today is a new day!

  2. Not sure if I made the cut, but I just put in my request as well?!

  3. Looks like it might be full by now on FB but this is definitely something I would love to do!!!

    And I hope this week is better than your Friday was!!!!!!

  4. Candra, my weekend was so similar to yours. I ate fast food twice, ordered pizza, oh and also did a color run. Luckily I didn't gain over the weekend but I feel like crap today. I am back on track with ya!

  5. I think we all have days like this! I like to flop facedown on the bed and have a good cry- then EAT ALL THE THINGS! My boo thang seems to have a radar for when this will happen adn does not bitch at all that we are having fast food junk of some sort for dinner.

  6. Candra, sorry to hear you had a rough go of it this weekend! I guess the trick is do you keep spiralling downhill or put on your big girl panites and get on with it!

    I hope you found those panties!

  7. Ive had days like that for sure! Hope you can get to feeling better soon.

  8. That is EXACTLY how I felt this weekend, and ummm I need someone to text to tell me not to eat the oreos and candy sitting on my desk right now lol

  9. I would really like to do a Color Run of some sort. And too bad your group is full. I can't wait to hear about it!!

  10. Ok we're you two ladies in my head last week. For reals I was on meltdown city. Crying over everything. At least the hubby stepped in and helped me out but for reals just sucky and suckiness. Ick. Back in track starting yesterday.
    I hope you're feeling better!!
