Monday, January 27, 2014

One Letter and a Double Digit Number.

I like to be honest.
I like to tell you when I find a new workout DVD that blows, and when I find one that's awesome. 
I vowed to myself when I started this blog that I would be totally honest and not wimp out. 
If I'm lying to you guys I am MOST DEF lying to myself.

So when a friend of mine from high school....wait I'm being honest. 
We weren't friends in high school she was friends with one of my besties older sister, but I WILL say that I've always thought she was badass, and when I started my fitness journey I re-found her and now she's even more badass cause we are friends, cause she loves fitness too!
Anyway she asked me if I would be interested in reviewing T25 here for you guys.

That means, going hard, giving it my all. Following the program to a T....pun intended
and giving you guys my HONEST opinion.
I am so excited, and also kinda shitting my pants.
I have never been one to get motivated by at home workouts.
I usually start and then if there is ANYTHING I have to get down on the floor for I realize I forgot to wipe the floorboards, and also do the dishes, and set out snacks for my kids, and mop the ceiling.
You get my drift.
So this is going to be a real challenge for me, but I accept.
I want to tell you guys what it's really like, because we all know those infomercials (which I can't stop watching) are cray.
What's even more cray are the prices of some of these workouts.
But come on 25 min a day, only 5 days a week??
I'll take it.
If I'm going to be totally honest I will also tell you guys that I am still going to be running and starting to train for my half. 
I'm semi addicted to weight lifting so that will probably not cease either. 
Will I still be able to tell if the difference is from T25??
For sure. 
Running and lifting is something I'm already doing, so any new results will be solely from this video. (Can we still call them videos??)

Don't worry my blog won't turn into a daily re-cap of my workout, I'll just do periodic check in's. 
Of course if any of you have any questions at all feel free to ask. 

Since I'm being all brave and honest and shit, maybe someday I'll tell you about how I peed my pants at the gym..... but most likely not.


  1. It really isn't that bad. You can always modify it, Tanya on the right there is. Good luck! I am on week 7 and I love it!

  2. Oo, I can't wait to hear more about this.
    And please oh please tell the story of how you peed yourself at the gym! :)

  3. I just got t25 this weekend and I am so nervous! I'm currently working out 3 days a week right now at a crossfit gym and I'll continue to do that with t25. Good luck!!

  4. It didn't keep my interest.

    You know what would? The story of you peeing yourself at the gym! LOL

  5. I can't wait to see your experience! I've been sick and half-assing my workouts unfortunately. I suppose half-ass is better than no-ass? Wait, that also applies to me...

  6. Good luck girl!! Can't wait to hear all about it!
